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Dear Friend,

Greetings and blessings from Refoveo Church International. We prayerfully hope that this HOPE Faith-Raising Campaign letter finds you doing well.

Refoveo's vision is to bring people to Christ, beginning with the community that surrounds our church, and extending to the wider DC Metropolitan Area. ln 2016 we took the bold step of buying a nine-acre property, "The Oasis" as we call it, where we will be able to minister to hundreds of souls.

Over the years we have hosted hundreds of families at our annual Trunk or Treat, Fall Carnivals, outdoor movie nights, and Genesis youth event. We've sent Christmas gifts through Operation Christmas Child, fed the homeless in DC, distributed hygiene kits, smoke detectors and clothing to people in our community, and performed other charitable acts.

We are eager to extend our sanctuary and facilities for our members and community to enjoy and  accommodate hundreds of worshippers. We have begun clearing land for a Prayer Trail and planning forYouth Facilities and Clubhouse, a Playground and a Picnic Pavilion.Attached is the artistic rendering of our anticipated project. Our HOPE Faith-Raising Campaign will last from December 19,2019-March 31 ,2020.

Consider becoming a HOPE partner. Your generous tax deductible donation will help to
advance our vision.


Sincerely Yours


Pastor Boniface


400 Ednor Road

Ashton, Maryland 20861

(301) 942-7433


400, Bible, Children, Christmas, Church, Community, Congregation, Cross, Declaration, Deliverance,

Easter, Ednor, Encourage, English, Faith, Father, Grace, Holy, Holy Spirit, Hope, International, Jesus,

Joy, Kids, Love, Marriage, Maryland, Men, Mercy, Multicultural, Nationalities, New Testament,

Old Testament, Outreach, Peace, Pentecostal, Prayer, Preach, Preacher, Preaching, Retreat, Service,

Silver Spring, Spirit, Victory, Women, Worship, Worshiper, Worshiping, Youth

400, Bible, Children, Christmas, Church, Community, Congregation, Cross, Declaration, Deliverance,

Easter, Ednor, Encourage, English, Faith, Father, Grace, Holy, Holy Spirit, Hope, International, Jesus,

Joy, Kids, Love, Marriage, Maryland, Men, Mercy, Multicultural, Nationalities, New Testament,

Old Testament, Outreach, Peace, Pentecostal, Prayer, Preach, Preacher, Preaching, Retreat, Service,

Silver Spring, Spirit, Victory, Women, Worship, Worshiper, Worshiping, Youth

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